This calculator is for the 2018-19 financial year.

Please return to our calculator page to select the calculator for the current or other financial year.

Key in the site value in the relevant section.  Do not use commas when entering values.

Single Holding Value = Value of property as assessed by the Valuer-General (do not use commas)
Estimate of Land Tax Payable
Note: Accounts under $20 are not issued from 1 July 2011.
Multiple Holding Value = Value of all non-exempt properties as assessed by the Valuer-General
Estimate of Multiple Holding Land Tax
To calculate the apportioned amount of land tax to each property
Single Property Value
Estimate of tax apportioned to single property

*This calculator will assist you in calculating the amount you may have to pay. The State of South Australia takes no responsibility for any incorrect information, or any discrepancy between the information provided on this web site and that appearing in any notice issued pursuant to the relevant Act, or any loss incurred as a result of reliance on the information or program of this web site.