Affected by the River Murray Floods in South Australia between 15 November 2022 and 9 February 2023?

Tax relief is available for residents and businesses whose properties and vehicles have been destroyed or substantially damaged by floodwaters due to the River Murray Floods.

Tax Relief Measures

Land tax Property used for business/rental purposes which has been destroyed/substantially damaged due to the River Murray Floods and a loss of taxable income due to the floods can be shown.

Relief from the land tax paid/payable for the 2022-23 financial year for eligible properties.

For more information about the land tax relief including how to apply, see our Land tax River Murray Floods Tax Relief page.

Land transfers (Stamp duty)

Purchase of a replacement home, or vacant land on which a replacement home will be built within 3 years from the date of purchase, due to the existing home being destroyed/substantially damaged due to the River Murray Floods.

The destroyed/substantially damaged home must have been the principal place of residence of the owner(s).

The replacement home, or vacant land (once the home is built), must be used as the principal place of residence of the owner(s).

Relief is available up to and including 1 March 2025.

Relief of up to $48,830 in stamp duty on a replacement home or vacant land on which a replacement home will be built within 3 years from the date of purchase.

For replacement homes or vacant land valued above $1 million, the duty relief is capped at $48,830 with the balance of the duty payable.

Relief is also provided for the Land Services SA registration fees applicable to the Transfer.

For more information about the stamp duty relief for homeowners including how to apply Stamp duty on land River Murray Floods Tax Relief page.

Vehicle (Stamp duty)

Purchase of a replacement motor vehicle(s) by a person due to the existing vehicle(s) being lost/destroyed due to the River Murray Floods.

Relief is available up to and including 1 March 2024 for 2 replacement vehicles.

Relief is capped at the stamp duty payable on a $71,849 vehicle.

Relief of stamp duty of up to:

  • $2,816 for a private/non-commercial vehicle
  • $2,127 for a commercial vehicle

For a replacement vehicle valued above $71,849, relief is capped at:

  • $2,816 for a private/non-commercial vehicle
  • $2,127 for a commercial vehicle

with the balance of the stamp duty payable.

Applications can be made at a Service SA Customer Service Centre.

For more information about the stamp duty relief for vehicles including how to apply, see our Stamp duty on vehicles River Murray Floods Tax Relief page.

Vehicle (Emergency Services Levy)

Registration cancelled where a vehicle has been lost/destroyed due to the River Murray Floods.

Relief is equivalent to the full amount of the emergency services levy paid on the active registration that is being cancelled.

Service SA will administer the emergency services levy relief for vehicles alongside the registration cancellation process.

If eligible, you will receive 2 payments, one for the registration cancellation and one for the emergency services levy. Together, these will total the full amount of the eligible entitlement.

Concerned about meeting your state revenue obligations?

If you have been affected by the River Murray Floods and have any concerns about meeting your state revenue obligations, please email us at or call 8226 3750 to discuss options available.

My home was destroyed. Does this mean I now have to pay land tax?

If your home (principal place of residence) was destroyed or rendered uninhabitable due to the River Murray Floods, you may be eligible for an exemption from land tax for up to 3 years while your home is being rebuilt.

See our Land tax exemption where your residential home has been destroyed or rendered uninhabitable page for more information.

Reminder for payroll tax clients

Wages paid to employees who are absent from work to volunteer to respond to the River Murray Floods or other emergencies, may be exempt from payroll tax in respect of any period they are engaged as a volunteer member of an emergency services organisation responding to the River Murray Floods emergencies.

If you are unsure if wages paid are exempt, please email us at or call 8226 3750 (option 5).

Other Services, Grants & Relief

More information about grants, relief packages and support  available to help people and businesses affected by the flooding can be found  at

Contact Us

  • If you are deaf or have a hearing impairment or speech impairment you can contact us through the National Relay Service.

    Give the National Relay Service the RevenueSA number you wish to call.

    You can reach us during business hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm (South Australian time), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

  • Speaking your language

    RevenueSA is committed to helping you in your own language.

    Please contact us on one of the telephone numbers below, and we will arrange for the Interpreting and Translating Centre to be made available to you at an agreed time.

    Emergency Services Levy: (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax: (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant: (08) 8226 3750

    Stamp Duty or other general enquiries : (08) 8226 3750

    ሬቨኑደቡብአውስትራሊያ (RevenueSA) በራስዎ ቋንቋ እርስዎን ለመርዳት ተዘጋጅቷል።

    እባክዎን ከታች በተጠቀሰው ቁጥር ይገናኙን እና ከትርጉምና ከአስተርጓሚ ማእከል አስተርጓሚ በማቅረብ ከሠራተኞቻችን ከአንዱ ጋር በሚመችዎ ጊዜ እንዲገናኙ/እንዲደውልልዎ እናደርጋለን።  ይህ አገልግሎት የሚሰጠው በነፃ ነው።

    የአደጋ ጊዜ አገልግሎቶች ክፍያ (ሌቪ): (08) 8226 3750

    የመሬት ግብር: (08) 8226 3750

    ለመጀመሪያ ቤት ባለቤትነት የገንዝብ ድጋፍና የቴምበር ቀረጥ: (08) 8226 3750

    ለሌሎች ጥያቄዎች: (08) 8226 3750

    إن إدارة الدخل لجنوب أستراليا (ريفينيو ساوث أستراليا – RevenueSA) تلتزم بتقديم المساعدة لك بلغتك.

    الرجاء الاتصال بإحدى الأرقام الهاتفية أدناه، ثم سنقوم بترتيب خدمة من مترجم/مترجمة من مركز الترجمة الشفهية والخطية لمقابلتك مع إحدى موظفينا أو الاتصال بك بوقت متفق عليه. ليس هناك أجرة لهذه الخدمة.
    الاستعلامات حول:

    ضريبة الخدمات الطارئة: 3750 8226

    ضريبة العقارات: 3750 8226

    منحة امتلاك أول منزل ورسوم الدمغة: 3750 8226

    استعلامات أخرى:  3750 8226

    RevenueSA se obavezala da Vam pruži pomoć na vašem jeziku.

    Molimo da nam se javite na jedan od dole naznačenih telefonskih brojeva, a mi ćemo Vam osigurati tumača iz agencije “Interpreting and Translating Centre“i našeg zaposlenika da se sa Vama sastanu ili obave razgovor preko telefona u dogovoreno vrijeme. Ova usluga se ne naplaćuje.

    Emergency Services Levy– Ured za porez za interventne službe: (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax– Ured za porez na zemlju: (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant and Stamp Duty– Ured za potporu pri kupovini prve kuće i plaćanje takse: (08) 8226 3750

    Ostale informacije: (08) 8226 3750



    紧急服务税:(08) 8226 3750

    土地税:(08) 8226 3750

    首次购屋补助及印花税:(08) 8226 3750

    其余咨询:(08) 8226 3750



    緊急服務稅: (08) 8226 3750

    土地稅: (08) 8226 3750

    首次置業補助和印花稅: (08) 8226 3750

    其它咨詢: (08) 8226 3750

    Organizacija RevenueSA je posvećena pružanju pomoći na vašem jeziku.

    Molimo kontaktirajte nas na jedan od dolje navedenih telefonskih brojeva i mi ćemo organizirati tumača od Centra za tumačenje i prevođenje (Interpreting and Translating Centre), kao i jednog člana našeg osoblja i oni  će se sastati sa vama / nazvati vas u ugovoreno vrijeme. Ova usluga je besplatna.

    Emergency Services Levy (Namet za hitne usluge): (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax (Zemljišni porez): (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant and Stamp Duty (Dotacija za vlasnike prve kuće i porez na prijepis): (08) 8226 3750

    Ostala pitanja: (08) 8226 3750

    Rɛ̈beniu de Junub Atharalya (RevenueSA) ka cë rɔt gam bë yïn kuɔny në thoŋdu.

    Yïn läŋ yuɔ̈pë wuɔk në töŋ de kee nambaai ke talapuun tɔ̈ ciɛ̈në, ku ka buku them buku athok kɔɔr ënɔŋ Maktam de Wɛ̈ɛ̈r-Thok ku Wël-de-Wël (Interpreting and Translating Centre), ku raan töŋda ka bë yök kenë yïn kuɔ cɔɔl yïn ne kaam cë guiir.

    Ka cïn wëu kɔrke në ye luɔië.

    Juɛ̈ɛ̈r de Loi ke Akëmic (Emergency Serviceɛ Levy) (08) 8226 3750

    Juɛ̈ɛ̈r de Piny (Land Tax) (08) 8226 3750

    Kony ku Gut de Waragɛkic, de raan ɣɔc paandɛn tueeŋ (First Home Owner Grant and Stamp) (08) 8226 3750

    Thiëc Kɔ̈k (Other Enquiries) (08) 8226 3750

    Η Οικονομική Εφορία Νότιας Αυστραλίας (RevenueSA) έχει υποχρέωση να σας εξυπηρετεί στη γλώσσα σας.

    Παρακαλείστε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μας σε ένα από τα κάτωθι τηλεφωνικά νούμερα, κι εμείς θα φροντίσουμε να σας συναντήσει ή να σας τηλεφωνήσει ένας υπάλληλός μας μαζί μ’ ένα διερμηνέα από το Κέντρο Διερμηνείας και Μετάφρασης σε μια προορισμένη ώρα.
    Η υπηρεσία αυτή παρέχεται δωρεάν.

    Πληροφορίες για το Φόρο Υπηρεσιών Έκτακτης Ανάγκης: (08) 8226 3750

    Πληροφορίες για το Φόρο Ακίνητης Περιουσίας: (08) 8226 3750

    Πληροφορίες για το Επίδομα για Αγορά Πρώτης Οικίας και
    Τέλη Χαρτοσήμου: (08) 8226 3750

    Άλλες πληροφορίες: (08) 8226 3750

    Il Dipartimento delle Imposte del South Australia, RevenueSA, è impegnato a darvi aiuto e informazioni nella vostra lingua.

    Vi preghiamo di contattarci su uno dei seguenti numeri telefonici e organizzeremo un interprete dall’Interpreting and Translating Centre. Un nostro impiegato vi potrà quindi incontrare / telefonare in un orario concordato. Questo servizio è gratuito.

    Emergency Services Levy: (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax: (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant and Stamp Duty: (08) 8226 3750

    Altre informazioni: (08) 8226 3750

    Image of contact details in Persian language

    RevenueSA zobowiązuje się pomagać ci w twoim własnym języku.

    Prosimy skontaktować się z nami pod jednym z podanych niżej telefonów, a my zorganizujemy spotkanie – lub zadzwonimy do ciebie – z pomocą tłumacza ustnego z Centrum Tłumaczeń w uzgodnionym terminie. Usługa ta jest bezpłatna.

    Emergency Services Levy (opłata z tytułu pomocy w nagłych wypadkach): (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax (podatek gruntowy): (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant and Stamp Duty (subwencja na zakup pierwszego domu i opłata skarbowa): (08) 8226 3750

    Inne zapytania: (08) 8226 3750

    RevenueSA может предоставить вам помощь на вашем родном языке.

    Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по одному из приведенных ниже телефонных номеров, и  один из наших сотрудников вместе с переводчиком из Переводческого центра (the Interpreting and Translating Centre) либо организует с вами встречу, либо позвонит вам в согласованное время. Эта услуга предоставляется вам бесплатно.

    Налог за предоставление служб экстренной помощи населению: (08) 8226 3750

    Земельный налог: (08) 8226 3750

    Субсидия для лиц, которые впервые приобретают жилье, и государственные пошлины: (08) 8226 3750

    Другие вопросы: (08) 8226 3750

    RevenueSA се обавезала да Вам помогне на Вашем језику.

    Молимо Вас да нас назовете на један од доле наведених телефонских бројева и ми ћемо Вам обезбедити преводиоца из агенције „Interpreting and Translating Centre“ и нашег запосленог службеника да се организује састанак са Вама или разговор преко телефона у договорено време. Ова услуга је бесплатна.

    Emergency Services Levy– (Канцеларија за таксу за хитне службе): (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax– (Канцеларија за порез на земљу): (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant and Stamp Duty– (Канцеларија за дотацију код куповине прве куће и плаћање таксе): (08) 8226 3750

    Остале информације: (08) 8226 3750

    Dakhliga Koofurta Awstaraaliya waxaa ka go’an inuu kuugu caawiyo luqaddaada.

    Fadlan nagala soo xariir lambarrada telefoonada hoose midkood, annagana waxaan afceliye kaaga diyaarineynaa Xarunta Afcelinta iyo Tarjummaadda, iyo mid ka mid ah shaqaalaheenna in ay kula kulmaan / ama ku soo wacaan waqti leysku ogyahay. Adeeggan waa lacag la’aan.

    Canshuurta Saaran Adeegyada Deg Degga ah: (08) 8226 3750

    Canshuurta Dhulka: (08) 8226 3750

    Lacagta loo Oggolyahay Lahaanshaha Guriga Ugu Horreeya iyo Shaabadda Ka Jaridda: (08) 8226 3750

    Wixii su’aalo ah ee kale: (08) 8226 3750

    RevenueSA se compromete a ayudarle en su propio idioma.

    Sírvase ponerse en contacto con nosotros llamando a uno de los teléfonos que aparecen a continuación y organizaremos un intérprete del “Interpreting and Translating Centre” para que con un miembro del nuestro plantel se encuentre con usted o lo llame a una hora predeterminada. Este servicio es gratuito.

    Emergency Services Levy (Impuesto para Servicios de Emergencia): (08) 8226 3750

    Land Tax (Impuesto sobre Bienes Raíces): (08) 8226 3750

    First Home Owner Grant and Stamp Duty (Subvención para Compradores de Vivienda por Primera Vez y Estampillado): (08) 8226 3750

    Otras consultas: (08) 8226 3750

    RevenueSA ina nia ya kukusaidia wewe katika lugha yako mwenyewe.

    Tafadhali wasiliana nasi kwenye moja ya namba za simu chini, nasi tutapanga mkalimani kutoka Kituo cha Ukarimani na Utafsiri wa Lugha, na mmoja wa wafanyakazi wetu kuweza kukutana na /au  kukuita wewe katika mda mliokubaliana. Hakuna malipo kwa ajili ya huduma hii.

    Ushuru wa Huduma ya Dharura: (08) 8226 3750

    Ushuru wa Arthi: (08) 8226 3750

    Msaada wa Mmiliki wa Kwanza wa Nyumba na Ushuru wa Stempu: (08) 8226 3750

    Mahitaji mengine: (08) 8226 3750

    Contact details in Tigrigna

    Sở Thuế Vụ Nam Úc (RevenueSA) cung cấp dịch vụ giúp đỡ quí vị bằng tiếng Việt.

    Xin liên lạc với chúng tôi qua các số điện thoại dưới đây, chúng tôi sẽ sắp xếp để thông dịch viên của Trung Tâm Thông Phiên Dịch cùng với nhân viên của chúng tôi gặp gở hoặc gọi điện thoại cho quí vị vào giờ đã hẹn trước.  Quí vị không phải trả tiền cho các dịch vụ này.

    Thuế đảm phụ cho các dịch vụ khẩn cấp: (08) 8226 3750

    Thuế Đất: (08) 8226 3750

    Trợ cấp và thuế sang tên cho người mua căn nhà đầu tiên: (08) 8226 3750

    Các thắc mắc khác: (08) 8226 3750